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Standards in thermal spraying

Dear Memberboard,
as a former developement engineer for combustion chamber component coatings of Alstom gas turbines I like to initiate a discussion, if today not a reduction of bonding defects below 10% are possible with state of the art equipment.
Furthermore I like to know, if any of the research instituts has made a funamental research on this topic in terms better adhesion and longlivity of the protective coating system for the hot gas path of gas turbines.
Is pulsed water jet as pretreatment process already fully adapted by the OEM industry in order to avoid korund inserts before coating of hot gas turbine components?

You see three questions, but I hope we get a good discussion regarding urgent improvements in the process chain of hot gas path coating and testing methods.

I would be glad to receive comments on those topics.

It is also worth thinking about those issues as we need to develope a coating quality suitable for hydrogen fired combustion chambers and burners of gas turbines. Especially the existing turbines that need to be adepted to higher hydrogen fuel content might need a better coating quality as the design of the combustion chamber and burners is not very easy to change.

I welcome any comment and of course I would love to work in a workcircle with the industry if possible.

Kind regards,
Michael Schneider


Project manager TH2 Ruhr Technologies GmbH