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Association statute

Office of Association:

President of Association: 

Lille, 2 December  2009


All the persons adhering to present statute decided to create the association called “EUROPEAN THERMAL SPRAY ASSOCIATION” abbreviated ETSA and the name in French language is "ASSOCIATION EUROPEENNE DE LA PROJECTION THERMIQUE", called thereafter association basing onto the articles 21 to 79 of French Civil Code and the law of 14 June 1924.


The association is registered in:?

 1.1. Its duration is not limited in time.

 1.2. Its office has the following address:?

 1.3. The association is not governmental, without aiming the financial gains but aiming at promotion of research, development and scientific animation in the field of thermal spraying including development of new related materials in European countries and on the international level.  



The main goals of the association are, essentially, as follows:

Contributing in the progress in Europe of the science and engineering of thermal spraying.

Promoting the common actions, the collaboration and the exchange of information between the European researchers and engineers coming from public and private sectors in order to reach a harmonious coordination of science of thermal spraying and related materials in Europe, in particular, by the creation of the internet site.

Promoting the collaborations and information transfer from fundamental research to the industry.

Developping the international scientific exchanges on the field of thermal spraying.

Gathering together the main national R&D organizations of the European countries in order to improve their efficacy.

Participating in the preparation of the R & D programs thanks to the network of experts having competences in fundamental and applied research coming from the different European countries.

Organizing or contributing in organization of educational programs for the students or for the professionals in the area of science and engineering of thermal spraying.

Animating the Europeans and international networks of R & D concerning the new research areas.

Making possible the cooperation around heavy research equipment.





A number of the members’ categories are foreseen:

ORDINARY MEMBERS: being the members of the association who participate regularly in its activities and contribute in realisation of its goals. They pay the annual fee.

MEMBERS BENEFACTORS: being the members wishing by significant financial contribution support the development of the association. They must not pay the annual fee.


HONORARY MEMBERS:  this type of membership can be given by the board of delegates to the persons exceptionally helpful and meriting to the association. They must not pay the annual fee.  




May become the members of the association:


The PERSONS, who have a recognized activity in the field of the science and engineering of thermal spraying or contribute in development of this field. The membership is opened to all persons independent neither on their nationality, nor residence of living or working.


The ORGANIZATIONS, such as societies, laboratories or industrial groups which have a law residence in Europe and which have their activity related to the science and engineering of thermal spraying. The organizations are represented by one responsible of their own choice.


Not only persons can become the members benefactors but also judicial units, such as associations, scientific associations or industrial units, which are related to thermal spraying. The acceptation of such members depends on the decision of Board of Delegates.


To become the member of the association, three procedures are possible:


Participating in one of the events, such as e.g. annual meetings, workshops, exposition, etc., organized by the association, after having paid regularly the inscription fee.


Asking the Executive Committee for the adhesion and paying the annual fee ad hoc.


Renewing the membership on the end of year by paying the annual fee.


The annual fee is fixed each year by Executive Committee and confirmed by the Assembly of Members.




Each member is engaged in respecting the present statute, the intern regulations and the decisions taken by administration and responsible persons of the association.




The members of the association are not personally responsible for the debts and liabilities of the association. Only the assets of the association can be used to pay the debts.




The loss of the membership results from:


Death of a member;


Resignation from the membership which should be addressed in a written form to the General Secretary of the association;


Omission of the annual fee payment;


Exclusion decided by the Executive Committee, decided by a secret vote with a majority of two thirds (2/3)


Each person being an object of a demand of exclusion has right to prepare its defence and should be call up to give the explanation in front of the executive committee. She can be assisted in her defence by a member of the association of her own choice.






The association includes the following administrative units:


The College of Members.


General Assembly


The Board of Delegates.


The Executive Committee.


The Chief Accountancy Officer.


The Specialized Committees.


The way of the units functioning is described below.




The College of Members includes all the members described in Article 4. The college can meet by the demand of the Board of Delegates addressed 30 days before the meeting with an agenda communicated to the members.


Independently of these meetings, each group of members can submit the propositions to the Executive Committee concerning, for example, the new activities, themes of the symposia, the specialized networks, etc.




The general assembly includes all the active members of the association, having paid their annual fee.


Each member has one deliberative voice (to vote and to get elected) with an exception of honorary members and invited persons who have, each one, an advisory voice.


The general assembly meets one time a year and any time when the Board of Delegates calls her up or any time when a quarter of all members make a written demand.




In a case when a member can not participate in the general assembly, he can delegate his voice to any other member of the association. Any member at the general assembly can not have more than two procurations.


The agenda of the general assembly is fixed by the Board of Delegates. The agenda should be addressed, together with the convocation 30 days before the assembly.


The candidates to the elective positions should address their candidacies 15 days before the general assembly.




The association is managed by the Board of Delegates, which is composed of two categories of members:


Twelve members elected in a secret vote by the College of Members during the assembly general for four years, they can be re-elected.


Members by right: the national representatives of the European countries (one representative by country being active in thermal spraying), either coming from academia (university, school of engineers, research centre…) or from industry. The national representatives are proposed by the members of the association and accepted by the elected members of the Board of Delegates for four years.


Each member can be elected who has adhered to the association since six months and who has paid his annual fee.




The association is engaged to be conformed to the legal dispositions related to:


The participation of each member in the assembly general;


The accountancy, which takes into account all receipts and spending;


The composition of the Board of Delegates participation, which would correspond to the composition of the general assembly and women and men, would have the same chances of access to the executive position of the association.




The members of the Board of Delegates should be active in the field of thermal spraying and can come from any country of the world.




The Board of Delegates has to meet at least one time a year after being called up by the President or one third of its members. The report of these meeting should be made and should be signed by the President and the General Secretary.


The members of the Board of Delegates can not get any kind of payment for their activity.


The Board of Delegates should have effort to have the same proportion of women as has the association.


In the case of the vacancy, the Board of Delegates may temporarily replace a member. The final replacement should be made at the next general assembly. The rights of the members nominated in that way expire in the same time as the elected members.


The persons paid by the association can assist in its meetings. The President can attribute them the consultative voice.






The Board of Delegates has a right to decide the following:


15.1 Proposing the modification or amendments of the statute, which should be approved by the assembly general in a extraordinary session;


Electing the members of the Executive Committee as well as the Chief Accountancy Officer;


Accepting or excluding the members;


Proposing the constitution of the specialized committees, e.g. in charge of future events or international relations, and the names of the members to active there. The elected members will elect their president who will have a seat in the Board of Delegates without have a right to vote.


Proposing the names of the honorary members;


Fixing the annual fee;


Awarding the Prizes and confering the Honors;


Determining the scientific animation of the association;


Proposing the Symposia for the future conferences.




The presence of one third of elected members of the Board of Delegates is necessary for validating of its deliberations.


The decisions of the Board of Delegates are taken by a majority of members being present; in a case of the division of voices in two equal parts, the voice of the President is decisive. Any member of the Board of Delegates, who without being excused, is absent during three consecutive séances is considered as wanting to resign.


The report of the meeting of the Board of Delegates should be made; it should be signed by the President and the secretary of the meeting and has not to have any voids and crossing out and put in a register made for.


Any contract or convention made between the association and the member of the Board of Delegates or member of its close family should be submitted to an authorization of the Board of Delegates and the assembly general should be informed about it.




After each election, the Board of Delegates elects in turn, the Executive Committee from its members by a secret vote. The composition and rules of its acting are fixed by the internal regulation and it should include at least the President, the General Secretary and the Treasurer.




The Executive Committee manages the association being in charge of all the subjects interesting for her life. The committee should follow the developments of the decisions taken by different instances of the association and, in particular, the goals fixed in Article 2.




The president is elected by the Executive Committee for the duration of the Board of Delegates. He represents the association. If he is absent, he can be replaced by one of his deputies. The signature of the president or, in his absence, of the General Secretary, is binding for the association. The president is not remunerated for his function.






The Executive Committee can elect one or two deputy presidents who can replace the president during his absence. They are not remunerated.




The general secretary coordinates all activities of the association by keeping a close relation to the President and the different committees being helped by the permanent office. He can sign the documents engaging the association. He is elected for four years by the Board of Delegates. He is not remunerated.






The Board of Delegates elects each year two chief accountancy officers who will be in charge to check the accounts of the association. They can not be the members of the executive committee. The accountancy could be initially checked up by a professional accountancy office. The chief accountancy officers are not remunerated.






The resources of the association may come from:


Fees paid by its members;


Donation in different forms, legacies, etc.;


Subventions or donations given by public or private unites;


Resources from own activity coming from conferences, educational courses, expositions, expertises, etc.




The fiscal year coincides with civil year.






The statute of the association can be modified only on the proposition of the Board of Delegates or by a quart of the members of the College of Members. The proposition coming from the members of the College of Members should be submitted at least one month before the assembly general extraordinary.


The general assembly can modify the statute only if; at least, a half of its members is present or represented. It the quorum is not reached, the general assembly is called up again in, at least, six days. The second assembly can vote the modifications independent of the number of members present and represented.




The general assembly called up specially to end up and to dissolve the association should be called up explicitly and should count more than a half of the members of the College of Members.


It the quorum is not reached, the general assembly is called up again in, at least, six days. The second assembly can vote the dissolution independent of the number of members present and represented.


In any case, the dissolution can be voted if the majority of two thirds of the members present or represented.




In the case of simultaneous vacancies of the Executive Committee (president, treasurer, general secretary) or in the case of missing candidates for these positions, the association can not fulfil its missions. The Executive Committee should call up rapidly the assembly general extraordinary, which decides about further destiny of the association. The article 27 should be then applied.






In the case of the dissolution, the general assembly nominates one or more administrators in charge of the liquidation of the association goods.


The gain of the liquidation can be distributed to one or more associations nominated at the general assembly deciding about dissolution.


In any case, the members of the association can not decide to obtain any goods of the association (excepting their own contributions).








The internal rules are prepared by the Board of Delegates and accepted by the general assembly.




The president is in charge of presenting to the prefecture the declarations foreseen by the article 3 of the decree of 16 August 1901 related to the application of the law of 1 July 1901 relative to, in particular:


Modification of the statute;


Change of the name of the association;


Change of its address;


Change in the Executive Office.




The present statute was accepted by the general assembly constitutive under the presidency of: