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ETSA events

  • 31 October 2017

    ETSA High-Kinetic Thermal Spray Coating Workshop in Tampere, Finland

    The ETSA High-Kinetic Thermal Spray Coating Workshop is arranged in collaboration with ETSA (European Thermal Spray Association) and Thermal Spray Center Finland. The workshop concentrates on various aspects of high-kinetic thermal spray coating processing, including advanced coating technologies, properties of coatings and industrial applications. More information on the website: www.tut.fi/sed



    1.       Day 1: The ETSA ETSA High-Kinetic Thermal Spray Coating Workshop is on Tuesday October 31st, Tampere University of Technology.

    2.       Day 2: The Advances in Surface Engineering Seminar on Wednesday November 1st, Vapriikki Museum Centre, Tampere

    3.       Day 3: The International TWC Wear Seminar on Thursday November 2nd, Vapriikki Museum Centre, Tampere

      Evening program:

    Tuesday Oct. 31 late afternoon/evening: cocktail party in the TSCF thermal spray lab.

    Wednesday Nov. 1 evening: dinner & music (http://www.tut.fi/en/tut-prof-experience/ ) in city center (location to be confirmed).

      More information: Prof. Petri Vuoristo, petri.vuoristo@tut.fi

  • 12 - 13 June 2017

    4th Cold gas Spray Summer School in Barcelona (Spain)

    4th Cold Gas Spray Summer School will be held in 2th - 13th June, 2017 in Barcelona in Spain
